Tuesday 21 December 2010


''You're all that I hoped I'd find in every single way, and everything I would give was everything you couldn't take.'' 

Having an amazing day so far, Haven't done much though. Demi is in a mood with me, fuck knows why. Also found out that Magda thinks she still likes me, but everything with Ross is sorted, I think. It's 3 days to Christmas eve and I doubt I will be getting much sleep. I got two Csi dvd's off Nadine before she left to go to London, I've got three episodes left I think, Ryaaaaan is so yummy. I'm beginning to get bored here, what the fuck do you do on this anyway? Rant about shit.. If so, I'll be on this quite alot then. Can't wait till' Christmas and New Year.  I just hope 2011 is better than 2010. I've changed alot in this year, and I feel more in my place now. My new years resolution will be to stop smoking, even though the chances of me actually doing it are very small.